Monday, November 22, 2010

I Know The Secret, Do You?

I've been reading this book called The Secret. I'm sure you've heard of it, because its pretty popular. It's kind of like a self improvement book. So my mom bought the The Secret book that was especially for teens. What is it called do you ask? The Secret To Teen Power.

So I'm like halfway through the book right now. Important things I've learned so far?

  1. Find out what your dream is. (That's easy for me, writing!)
  2. The Law of Attraction never fails. 
  3. You attract everything that happens to you, good or bad.
  4. like attracts like
  5. thoughts become things
  6. you attract into your like what you think about most.
  8. Live for today. Right now. In the moment
  9. Feel alive. Live your life, don't just watch it through someone else's eyes. 
  10. Ask... Believe... Receive
    1. Ask: When you first think of something
    2. Believe: Act as if you already have what you want. 
    3. Receive: Feel the way you expect to feel when you receive whatever it is you want. 
  11. Trust your instincts. Follow your inspired or intuitive feeling.
  12. Thank the Universe and/or God for everything you're grateful for.
  13. Picture yourself doing whatever you want. Picturing things in your mind is a huge part of The Secret.
So, these are just a few of the many things i learned from this truly enlightening book. If you're a teen out there and your look for a few extra things or finding yourself and your dream, its easy, just read The Secret. I can tell already that its going to help me a lot, and I hope it helps you too! 

The Secret by Paul Harrington. I'm pretty sure there's also a secret book for adults as well. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

So last Thursday, my tennis team had the end of the season banquet. So at this banquet, each player gets individually recognized in front of the entire team (varsity and JV) as well as the parents and family of the team members. I came home from the banquet in a very angry mood and seriously wanted to punch someone. The reason? Well. I wasn't recognized properly.

The one thing that really gets me is being under appreciated. There's nothing like being made to feel like crap by getting under appreciated and recognized for less than you really did. I felt cheated, angry and was annoyed with my coaches.
First of all, I just wanted to say that, I knew I wasn't going to get recognized as a varsity player (even though i practiced the entire season with varsity, and was at every single varsity game). But that's not exactly what I'm focusing on right now. So there were two reasons as to why I was angry. And one small reason, but it didn't really make me that angry since I was expecting it.

  1. I had to accept a JV award. I mean nothing is wrong with JV but it just sucks to have to accept an award that reflects a lot less than the actual work you did.
  2. While I was standing up there as the JV coach was talking about me, she asked me how long I'd been playing and I said just a few months and then she said to the audience "It was good that she got to play with varsity a few times." Ummm EXCUSE ME! I practiced every day with varsity and I was at every single varsity match. I sat there the entire time and finally played exhibition matches at the end. And this woman has the never to say I played with varsity a few times, she has the nerve! Ugh. 
  3. The third thing that made me angry was the two girls that were my doubles partners for the entire season were mentioned as varsity players!! and I wasn't!! I mean I knew I was going to get a JV award, but i figured they would too, so that made it okay. But then they didn't and I just felt so let down and annoyed. 
  4. ANOTHER thing that made me angry was that my coach said things about other players that wasn't even true! Plus she said that other players are spending a lot of outside time to prepare for next season and that they did a lot of outside work to prepare for this season, and I did so much work to prepare for this season! And i am doing so much work to prepare for next season! But do i get acknowledged for that? Noooooo, of course not!
  5. And yet ANOTHER thing that aggravated me was that my dad also did a lot of work for the team. He was at all the games I was at, minus maybe two, and he made shelves in out tennis shed and he blew off the courts several times. Did he get acknowledged for all that? Noooo, instead he got a backhanded gesture while the seniors dad was getting all the thanks for it. 
It just aggravated me a lot. That neither me or my father were getting the recognition we deserved. And there's nothing I hate more than not getting recognized properly (just as I said above).

Well I'm sorry this post is whiny, but I really just had to get that out of my system. Next time will be better I promise! 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Something That Made Me Smile Today

There's truly something amazing about standing outside on a warm windy day during fall and watching all the leaves fall around you. Its sort of like dancing in the rain, you get that satisfaction and happiness, but you don't get soaked, although i am an avid rain dancer ;] I just love looking up and seeing all the wonderfully colored leaves falling down around me. Its... magical. 

This afternoon was so great because my friend and I walked all over my neighborhood under the falling leaves. She came over this afternoon because she was my model for my photography project. It was just great to walk around enjoying the warm gusty day, taking pictures of my best friend, feeling the warmth of the sun on my back, hearing the crunch of leaves under my feet, and watching even more fall from the trees. After we had finished with the pictures, my friend and I came back to my house, but we thought it a shame to stay inside on such a beautiful day like today. So we got some towels, took some food with us, and went to this empty, grassy field in between 2 houses, set up camp and just sat there and talked. 


Well I hope you all found lovely things to do on this fine day! Until next time! 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Wish I May, I Wish I Might!


Oh BOY! I am so excited!!! I really hope my parents let me go. I'm not expecting an answer anytime soon, but I popped the question tonight. It costs $4600 though... I really want to go though!! The $4600 covers all the expenses minus what you do in your free time. My friend said she was going to ask her parents if she can go. But i've always wanted to go to Greece and really anywhere in Europe and if i get to see all this in one trip it would be so amazing!!! We're starting out in Athens and then continuing on to Delphi, after that we go on a one night cruise to Sorrento, and then on to Rome. After that we get to see Florence, Italy and then Lucerne. And then! After that, we get to see PARIS FRANCE and LONDON ENGLAND! It was would be AMAZING if i got to go!!! Wish me luck! :]

Friday, November 5, 2010

Why does this keep happening?

Well. Tonight certainly didn't go as planned. I figured I might be let down. And who was right? ME. Yay. I was right. Ugh. At least I didn't get completely let down. He did text me and tell me he wasn't coming because it was his dads birthday, and that he still wanted to hang out soon. So at least there's that. 

At least I still had fun though! I made a senior friend who goes to Del Campo. He was cool and super nice. So that was good. And at least I didn't get ditched all the time and I had people to hang out with. At least there was some good in a wasted football game. 

My Plea

Please be there

Please don't let me down as I've been let down so many times before

Please find me tonight

I will be there

Waiting for you


Please don't let me down

I so hope he's there tonight. He told me he would be. I hope this doesn't turn out as it did the last time. Although this is a different guy. I really hope he's there tonight. Although he may not be. This is my plea. 

don't forget me
Because I know I'll never forget you
The way you smiled
The way your eyes would always flicker to me and then back again
I shamelessly stared and hoped you wouldn't notice.
I know i'm easy to be forgotten
but I'll do anything for you to remember
For you to not forget me