Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sometimes people will say negative things about you
All you can do is turn your cheek and look the other way
Be the bigger person and don't let it affect you.
Don't stoop to their level and react to what they say by doing the same thing as them
It's their loss that they don't see the amazing things about you
Now you know there's one less person to please in the world.
Just keep your head held high
Your eyes free of tears
Your heart strong
No one can conquer your happiness and bring you down
The only person who's thoughts really matter are your own.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Will It Really Matter?

Will it really matter in 10 years?
When your successful
and they're living off coupons in a trashy neighborhood.
When you've got plush carpets
and they've got a floor littered with beer bottles.
Where you see a sunset
they see through the window of the RV next door while drunken men play poker.
When you have the dream job
and they're stuck flipping burgers for minimum wage.
While you drink champagne
they mix vodka and seven up.
Will it matter in 15 years?
When you find the perfect husband
and they have to settle for one they met while drunk in Vegas.
In 30 years?
When you send your child to an Ivy league college
and theirs flunks out of high school junior year.
How about in 40 years?
When you have the perfect family and grandchildren
and they have a broken, cut off family.
Maybe in 50 years?
When you have the perfect retirement
and they won't ever be able to comprehend the concept, having to work until they die.
Tell me, does it really matter?

Well, this is something I wrote one night when I was angry, very angry. You see, this girl, who I'm not very fond of said some not very nice things behind my back. I didn't appreciate it very much, but I let it roll off my shoulders. Plus, writing this poem did help (: More to come!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My New Obsession!

Alright, so, I've got a new website obsession!

www.weheartit.com, BEST SITE EVER! It is super addicting. It's basically a site that you go on to look search through tons of inspirational pictures. The idea of the website is that everyone has a "heart" page where there are all the pictures that they have "hearted" whether its on the website itself, or if the pictures are from another website. It is basically like having a ton of pictures that show your heart. What inspires you or what makes you think.

I'm going to figure out how to put a widget onto my blogs, so then you guys can all view my heart!

Love you guys!

Something New and Possibly Very Strange...

So today I was looking in my fridge, hungry of course, when I decided I wanted some green olives. My dad then came in and suggested I eat some cottage cheese, so I took that out of the  refrigerator as well. I looked at the two things in my hand, cottage cheese in the left and olives in the right. It then occurred to me, "What do they taste like together?" So... being the daring person I was, I decided to give it a try.

I popped an olive in my mouth and followed it up with some cottage cheese.

: : : om nom nom : : :

Could it be? It actually tasted good!

And that my friends is the story of how I found a new snack. Yummm... I know it sounds absolutely disgusting... but try it (:

Have a happy day!

P.S. It is SUMMER! Yessss (: time for late night writing sessions, sitting on the couch all day, lounging around with a book in hand, swimming, tennis... etc! Have an cool summer (:

P.S.S. I'm sorry that pun was so lame and it sounded really cliche, but I couldn't resist <3

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Him... Again...

So I post every time I saw the guy that moved. I saw him a few weeks ago, but I didn't post about it because I was to mad.

So, I thought me and this guy were pretty good friends, not tell each-other-everything friends but at least good enough friends to be friends ( I realize that may sound confusing... but I don't know how else to say it...) We texted a lot, and always talked at school during the one class we had together, and sometimes he would wave at me in the hallways. Anyways, I was at the movies with my friends and we were watching Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. It was a pretty good movie, I don't think I've seen the most recent before this one because I was a bit confused with some of the references and the reason for the loss of certain characters.

But anyways, that's not the point. The point is, is that when my friends and I were leaving the theater room I was looking around at the people to see if I knew anyone. Then I saw him, I about peed my pants! I was so excited and happy and all that jazz. So I quickly tell my friends (Jane and Hannah) "You guys, that's him! That's the junior guy I told you about!" (By the way, I did say his name, but I'm just not going to write it here. Sorry!) At this point he was walking a slight ways in front of us. "Say hi to him!" they said, and so, knowing that this was going to be my only opportunity to say hi to him in person for a while, I decided to go for it. "James*!" I called, he didn't turn, "James*!" I called again, this time a little louder. He had a can of Arizona Iced Tea in his hand, when he finally heard me, he turned around with a blank expression on his face, said "Hey." Again with a completely blank face, and turned around and walked away.

I couldn't believe it. I just stood there, stunned. My friends turned to me and said, "Weren't you guys good friends?" Of course we were good friends! He told me he missed me!!!! I was confused and annoyed. Jane and I waited outside the bathroom for Hannah and as we were waiting he was at the front of the theater. I saw him glance a time or two my way but not so much as even a smile. I had worked myself into quite the mood by the time my friends mom dropped me off. I was angry and embarrassed that he'd only said "hey". After all the gushing I'd done to my friends and it was a real let down for him to only say one word to me.

Once home, I posted my status on Facebook as "Pirates of the Caribbean (:" and then he LIKED IT! I was just like "...what the heck?" then I shook it off and thought to myself, "whatever, he probably liked the movie too." So I started chatting with one of my friends on Facebook and then my mom came out so I talked to my mom for a few minutes and then told her I needed to get back to my friend Claudia. So I went to check her message and guess what?! He had chatted me. At this point I was passed caring about it, but I was still slightly annoyed with him, especially that he wanted to talk now when we had had a perfect chance to talk in person! He has said "yo" so I responded "hey". He proceeded to not respond for like 5 minutes! Finally I added "So all I get is a "hey" and a "yo"?" He responded "lol haha I'm about to pass out ill text you when I get my phone back. Goodnight! (:" I was so frustrated all I said was "Night." Thinking to myself "yeah right, suuuuuure you'll text me...". Boys are so stupid and so annoying! He has yet to text me.
Screw. Him.

*Name changed.