Hey all!
So I just got back from camp on Friday, it was the most life changing experience I've ever had. It was the best two weeks of my life! I can't even begin to describe the way that I've grown and it was amazing that I got to do it with 31 other amazing boys and girls.
I don't think I'll ever forget Summer 2011. This camp really turned my summer around. Completely.
Of course there were cute boys there, and I'll have the rundown on all that soon, but I just wanted to post and say that Yes, I am still alive, and yes an update is on its way. It will be pretty long I'm afraid, and I've been working on it since I've gotten home. So, yeah. It was just an amazing and indescribable experience all around. I miss camp already and even though I was only there for two weeks, it feels as though it is my home, and I left my second family behind. Truly.