Something I wrote about him. A long long time ago.
"I love you"
I've felt the words on the tip of my tongue all this week
I've wanted to tell you but somehow my mouth just wouldn't form the words
I don't know why I can't say it, but I know I feel it
I can't make that final jump.
I guess I feel like if I say it I'll fall.
Fall and fall and fall
I'm scared that you won't be there to catch me
even though you've told me you loved me, im scared
scared of what the words mean
scared that it means something different to me than it means to you
scared that once I say it I won't be able to stop
scared that once I say it you'll hurt me
I don't like the feeling of being vulnerable
but if I don't feel vulnerable, how can I let you in?
That's just it
If I don't say it, I can't.
And if I can't let you in, there's no guarantee that you will stay
and I want you to stay because I love you
I feel it in my heart
every cell in my brain screams it
My mouth just can't say it.
I love you. Three words. That's it.
I'll find a way to tell you, I know I will.