Monday, January 14, 2013

I Love You. Simple As That.

Something I wrote about him. A long long time ago. 

"I love you"
I've felt the words on the tip of my tongue all this week
I've wanted to tell you but somehow my mouth just wouldn't form the words
I don't know why I can't say it, but I know I feel it
I can't make that final jump.
I guess I feel like if I say it I'll fall. 
Fall and fall and fall
I'm scared that you won't be there to catch me
even though you've told me you loved me, im scared
scared of what the words mean
scared that it means something different to me than it means to you
scared that once I say it I won't be able to stop
scared that once I say it you'll hurt me
I don't like the feeling of being vulnerable
but if I don't feel vulnerable, how can I let you in?
That's just it
If I don't say it, I can't. 
And if I can't let you in, there's no guarantee that you will stay
and I want you to stay because I love you 
I feel it in my heart
every cell in my brain screams it 
My mouth just can't say it. 
I love you. Three words. That's it. 
I'll find a way to tell you, I know I will. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

I've Gone Mobile!

Hey! So I can post from my phone now because I downloaded the blogger app! Maybe this means I will be posting more often:) I'll have to keep it short and sweet though.

Aspire to Inspire

I've been feeling inspired lately, especially by fashion. I really want to start blogging more and getting my voice out there and heard through any and every social media platform I can. Whether it's through pictures or words. And it's not like I have something extremely important to say, it's just that I feel like there's SOMETHING I need to say. Something that has been bubbling up inside me and it just needs to escape.

I've recently moved into a different and much bigger room in my house. I redecorated it myself and honestly it's my dream room. I also just got out of a long term relationship, and it's also the start of a new year. I've been feeling this necessity of change. Even though my year didn't start exactly the way I wanted to, it's never to late for a new beginning, in my opinion. As I've been feeling pretty down as of late I feel like I'm just starting to come out of it and I feel as though being inspired is why. I've been putting my voice out there and letting it be expressed though the clothes I wear, the pictures I post on sites like Instagram, Tumblr, Trendabl (new platform I just joined it's like the fashion only Instagram and I LOVE it), and of course here on blogger. There's something inspiring in knowing that you're voice is being heard, even by just a few people.

Also, I've decided on a new self motto. "Aspire to Inspire". Because really that's all I want to do in life. I want to inspire others. I want to inspire that girl in the corner who draws in her notebook to stand up and express herself freely. I want to inspire that boy with a dream to carry out that dream. I just want to inspire anyone I can.

Feeling good right now, and I really hope this feeling will last. Happy new year everyone! Hope you have an inspirational 2013 :)