In my English class we wrote experimental poems where we chose random words and strung them together trying to make sense of the madness. Mine was picked out of Jerry Spinelli's
Stargirl, one of my favorite books. It's an action and reaction kind of poem. In my mind, Stargirl is acting a certain way, and the school population is reacting in their own way.
Moved, dramatic, giver, watcher, ukelele, sunflower
Summer-tanned faces, staring, buzzing
Marooned, Hot Seat, interesting, strumming, singing, bobbing
Boggled, stone silence, single
Marching, strutting, twirling
Freckles, no makeup, doe eyes
Unreal, actress, scam, nutcase
Bold, smiling, strumming, singing
Plant, expose, hoax, fake
Unchanged, survive, dancing, moonlit hour, REAL