Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Summer So far and what I plan to do with the rest of it...

Camp Jones GulchImage by TheNickster via Flickr

So, I had originally written an entire Camp Jones Gulch detailed post about everything that went down. But perhaps it was a little bit too detailed. So i decided to trash it and start fresh! I'm definitely not going to write as much detail as i did. Ill just write the highlights. Monday we went and did this ropes course. I had to jump off a diving board that was hooked into a tree 60 feet up in the air. I know it doesnt sound that high, but trust me, once your up there it seems pretty high... Tuesday we had to sleep outside in a place called Indian Bowl where they had the horses. So there was horse poop everywhere (thank god it wasnt fresh...) but ya, that wasnt a good highlight, but it was the biggest event that happened tuesday. Wednesday there was a dance. Did i have a date? Yes i did. Thursday, nothing to exciting happened we just hung out. OH we had an honor campfire that night where every cabin makes something special and does it in front of the whole camp. My cabin wrote 4 different haikus and read them aloud. Friday was pick up day! So everyone got to go home after saying goodbye to there beloved camp friends of course! There were foreign people there. Most of them were from spain. Only one that i know of was from Italy. I befriended one Spaniard and i just admired the rest pretty much. My Spanish was to crude to actually go up and try to have a conversation... so i just avoided that awkward situation from the beginning. Well those are my camp highlights. I, of course, thoroughly enjoyed myself and am going to go back next year as an LIT (leader in training). I am super excited and it really is something to have friends at camp and friends at home. Well thats really all ive got to say on the subject of camp. So yaaa...

I guess this is as good a time as any to be deep, as Napoleon Hill once said, "Don't wait. The time will never be just right." SO ANYWAYS... I dunno. I sometimes like to do my own thing. But sometimes I like going with the flow and doing what other people do. This summer though, I've been focusing on finding... identity I guess you could say. What makes me, well, me. What makes me different from everyone around me. I've also been focusing on how I want to be perceived by other people. If I even care what they think. If I'm going to let other people opinions stand in my way or if i'm just going to barge right though them and continue on with what i'm doing. With what makes me happy or feel good about myself. (I know what i'd like to think and do and say. But will I? Everything is always so different when your in the face of the actual situation.) I guess what i'm trying to say is that I want to be more individual. Less cookie cutter. Because basically the epitome of Middle School life is what everyone else is doing and fitting in. Now that i'm going into high school, I want to start with my image fresh, me, and self confident. I mean I know I'll make mistakes along the way, and it'll take me more than this summer to figure out who i am and all this, but its a start. I found a quote the other day about confidence so here it is: "Confidence comes not from always being right, but not fearing to be wrong." So I guess that helped me as much as a 13 worded sentence can. By the way, the author is unknown. So anyways, I just want to find things for myself. I'm an artistic person so I want my environment to reflect that, I want to reflect that. Well anyways I guess i'm done with that sort of deepness for now.

So I decided to use the Zemanta gadget for all my posts. At first i didnt really like it, but now i'm getting used to it. But I still feel like I could've done without it. Well OH WELL! I also haven't figured out how to add a second image to this thing... It always puts it up at the top... and I dunno the whole Zemanta thing is kind of annoying me right now... Plus im not totally sure if you can put in videos???

So I read this book called If I Stay by Gayle Forman. It was a really good book and I really liked how the entire family was so musically inclined. So I decided to look up some of the music that was mentioned. (The author had a glossary type section in the back detailing all the music she had mentioned in the book.) So anyways as i said, i went on itunes to listen to some. Well I found this really cool Icelandic band! They're called Sigur Ros. They are an alternative group and they started in 1994. Although they've decided to take an indefinite hiatus... I still like them. Their songs are in the language of Iceland... not sure what that is, but i'll look it up on good ol' Google. Ok, so. Its a North Germanic language, and its closest relative is Faroese(?). Well anyways, you should check them out because they are good! You should also read the book because it was good too. It made me tear up and almost cry. It was that good. So ya, I hope you check them out!

Wel I think thats all I've got for this post. So I'll leave you with my interesting facts. Well, I'm running out... so i've only got eight left... So i need to find something else to do to end this... well here it goes!

1. The color blue has a calming effect causing the brain to release calming hormones.
2. Everytime you sneeze some of your brain cells die.
3. When you blush, the lining of your stomach turns red too.
4. The lion that roars the MGM logo is named Volney.
5. There are 1,792 steps to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
6. Most soccer palyers run 7 miles in a game.
7. Colgate faced big obstacles marketing toothpaste in spanish speaking countries. Colgate translates to the command "go hang yourself."
8. Humans forget 90% of they're dreams.

Well thats it!

The End! :)

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