Friday, April 19, 2013

To Tell, or Not to Tell? That is the Question.

Throughout my whole life I have always expressed an interest in writing. I always had a journal and logged all the most recent events and feelings of the week, day or month. Over the summers I would write stories and put them all together in a binder and show them to my parents at the end, relating all my wonderful adventures. They loved it, and I love showing them.

Now, in high school, I find that I have even less time to be inspired and write everything down, but somehow I still try and make it work. Although my journal entries have become shorter, I believe they are filled with more raw emotion. I wouldn't call it angst, per say, but definitely an intensity that was never there before (I mean, I used to write about my hot tub bubbling over when I was little). I love writing about being a teenager and it has always given me a creative and emotional outlet. From the lowest moments of my life, to the highest, I have always documented them with pen and paper or hand and keyboard. In my eyes, I see it as making memories that I can look back on. Memories I can show my children one day, because I believe that my teenage years will not be years to be forgotten. I want to be able to remember everything.

On many occasions my mom has suggested that I begin a blog. She doesn't know I already have one. Now that I am a junior in high school and well on my way to a good college (hopefully) I have a college counselor. Last night, in one of my meetings with her, she also suggested I start a blog. She wanted me to try out different mediums of writing. My major for college is going to be a Communications major, but I'm putting emphasis on journalism. As more people are turning to the web now than ever, she thought it would be a fun experience to try writing and have my voice heard. I told her I would think on the idea and possibly start one in the summer when I had more time... and something to blog about. I didn't tell her I already had one either.

So should I tell? Should I go public with my blog to my friends and family? I have kept it a secret for the three years I've had it (as of April 7th, happy birthday blog!) I don't know why I have never told anyone... mostly for fear of being judged? Of people looking at my writing and saying, "You want to be an editor? What? Not with that technique!" Plus, I also didn't want the people at my school to know I had one either, because there is a personal relationship I have built with my blog, and I don't want that to get ripped to shreds by other inconsiderate teenagers.

To Tell, or not to Tell?


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