Monday, October 4, 2010

I Know What I Wanna Be, Do You?

In my life, I think a lot about the future. I'm always thinking about what college I'm going to go to, how I will pay for it, what kind of car I want when I turn 16, what my first job will be. But at the same time, I know how to live in the moment. I am basically a living contradiction. I hate cleaning but I love being in a clean environment. You know what I mean? Its just difficult. Especially when you're asked these questions straight out. 

Do let me explain myself here. Today during first period, a man from DeVry University came into our class and was talking to us about the kind of careers we would want in the future, and what sort of college we would want to go to. Now I already know what I want. I want to go to a college with a good English program so I can become a writer when I grow up. Well anyways, this guy came in and we had to take personality tests. A few of the questions on there were like "Are you the kind of person who lives for the future?" or "Are you the kind of person that lives in the moment?" and to tell you the truth, as I said above, I definitely live in the moment as well! So I had no idea what to put. So I just put that I more the kind of person to live in the moment... and its true! But I dunno, I hate being a walking oxi-moron... Oh well... isn't life full of contradictions? Life is hard and I know that you have to be able to work now, play later, live spontaneously and for the future. You just have to be able to mix responsibility and fun in your life to live it to the fullest. So that's what I learned today really. Not from the guy, but from thinking about all of it. 

In case you were wondering, we did get the results from our personality test and the kind of career would fit us best. Ironically enough I got adventurer! I couldn't believe it. An adventurer? That would be the last thing I would describe myself as. The thing is though everything it described and said were very accurate, except the title. I dunno, it was weird. The results for my job said that I should do something where I can let my creative juices flow, not be held down or back, not be bossed around (because I like to do my own thing) be spontaneous and something I can use my logical and problem solving skills. That is all absolutely right! When I told my mom about this mini assembly in the classroom she said that pretty much described exactly what I wanted to be a free lance writer. So Hopefully that may come true! Because boy do I want it to be. I want to write a novel!

I thought I would leave you with the above picture! I figure that if your reading this, you probably have a blog, and you probably like to write a lot too! So I just thought this was true and funny at the same time!

Enjoy life and the love of writing!

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